20th Gillingham Scout Group Click here to login or sign up
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Main Pages
District News
Previous Events


District Scarves

for those of you who like collecting 'Kneckers', the cost is £5 from the District Treasurer 


Badge shop

September  14th and 28th

Open 7PM to 8Pm

54 Hickory Dell, Hempstead

Angela Knight 360374


Leaders Meetings


Explorer Leaders: Monday 20th

Cubs: Tuesday 21st


Football Tournament

For Scouts and Cubs: September Saturday 18th.

 District Camp 2012

To be held on the first weekend in May, so bank holiday weekend 4th to the 7th.

Planning is still in the early stages and District are looking for help inorganisation.

They would like to see all Groups camp as one, possibly a chance for the Beavers to sleep over.

Also looking at the Scouts Own on the Sunday will actually be St George's Day Parade.

Venue will be Bexhill Lane, Sittingbourne.


Dean (DC) appeciates that it is the 20th's 50th Celebration year, and that our main camp will be in August, plus some of us are shift workers. I encourage all Leaders to think about going with a possitive attitude, Dean is a good DC and merits our support.

Page last updated on Jul 28, 2011
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